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Restoring Voting Rights for Returning Citizens

Florida politicians are making it harder for returning citizens who seek to regain their right to vote.

  • In November 2018, Florida overwhelmingly voted to restore voting rights to former felons who completed their sentences.


  • In 2019, the Florida Legislature undermined the vote of the people by imposing financial conditions on those seeking to restore their voting rights.


  • These financial obligations are now preventing many returning citizens from regaining their right to vote.


Legal Research

  • The 2019 law allows returning citizens to convert their fines and penalties to community service.


  • The FCRA legal team will assist returning citizens in regaining their right to vote.

Delivery Service

Community Service

  • State law provides for a circuit judge to convert a returning citizen’s financial obligations to community service hours.

    • See § 98.0751(2), Fla. Stat. (2023).


Post-Conviction Motions

  • Before a motion is filed to convert a returning citizen’s financial obligations to community service, it is imperative that a thorough search is completed to ensure the Order encompasses an aggregate of all fines and penalties

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